Mahoney Creek Tributary Detention Basin
Our team was hired for the establishment and improvement of two stormwater detention basins along the Mahoney Creek Tributary. A key goal of this project was to ensure successful establishment of native prairie vegetation for both basins. Our restoration work included native seeding, installing erosion control blanket, native plugs and trees, as well as a turf berm and traditional landscape trees. Additional improvements included installing a new storm sewer, removing an existing sanitary sewer, and installing new sanitary at a lower elevation. To ensure the long-term success of this native restoration, we are performing three years of site monitoring and ecological maintenance.

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Local GovernmentPrimary Service Lines
Contracting & Construction ManagementRegion
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Project highlights:
- Four acres of tree removal and clearing and grubbing
- 22,946 cubic yards of earth excavation for construction of basins
- 1,440 square yards of riprap placement
- Removal and replacement of a sanitary manhole
- Removal and replacement of 160 linear feet of eight-inch sanitary sewer
- Replacement and installation of 179 linear feet of combined storm sewer
- One acre of turf seeding restoration
- 6.75 acres of native seeding restoration for emergent wetland, wet prairie, wet mesic prairie, and mesic prairie habitat
- Installation of 6.5 acres of erosion control blanket
- 0.25 acre of hydromulch
- Installation of 33 2.5-inch-caliper native trees
- 85 six-foot-high Thuja Arborvitae Evergreens
- 2,503 native wetland and emergent plant plugs
- One basin was constructed on the east side of Kirk Road on Fermilab property and the other basin was constructed on the west side of Kirk Road on a four-acre City of Batavia easement.
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